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Access millions of helpful study sets from students using Vaia

Our users create free flashcards, notes, and summaries every month. Learn with your fellow students and share your learning materials for the ultimate learning experience.
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Start studying with the Vaia intelligent planner that dynamically adapts to your goals, learning style, and preferences. We make it seriously easy for you to study! Get motivated, get learning, and get those good grades!
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Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I have to pay to use Vaia?

Our learning app is completely free of charge for you and will always remain so. You can sign up with your mail without any risk and delete your account at any time.

What happens to my data?

We do not share any personal information about you, your learning process or your email address with a third party. Your uploaded learning materials will not be shared with other students and you always have the choice to share materials with your peers or not.

How does Vaia differ from other learning solutions?

From automatic learning plans to creating and sharing summaries, flashcards and much more – with Vaia you’ve got everything in one app. You’ll see preparing for your exams was never this easy and efficient.

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